Inside the corner pink house

“Inside the corner pink house” is an illustrated book by the Sudanese artist Reem Aljeally.

Following the recent events of the ongoing war in Khartoum, illustrating a nostalgic visit to memories of living, events, and childhood resurfacing with the attempts of adjusting to a new life in a foreign land The story traces the world and thoughts of “Girl with fat belly”, the symbolic character in Al-Jeally’s paintings and work, diving into her world of possessions and items that are symbolising life in its rawest form in a manner relatable to many.

This project is funded by Next Level – Production Fund, a project of the Goethe-Institute as part of the German-Arab Transformation Partnership and supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.

Format :  15 x 10.5 cm, Hard cover, 120 pages, couche paper, edition of 200 published by The Muse multi studios

Subcategory :Artist Book

December 2023

The book was launched at a solo exhibition holding the same title at Bibliothek art gallery, Cairo, Egypt, February 2024

Installation shots, Bibliothek art gallery

Ghost of memory
120 * 100 cm Acrylics on canvas, 2023
She’s always been a cat person
100 x 100 cm, Acrylics on canvas, 2023
120 * 100 cm Acrylics on canvas, 2024
21 * 49 cm Acrylics on paper, 2024