The collection “Questions to Siri” navigates how we deal with our perception of this tool asking what we fear to ask ourselves and others.
The project was an experience in the solo exhibition “Middle Voids” in August 2022, where the 10 artworks were displayed and provided within a room for the audience to share their questions to the machine. My thoughts were of what people would ask to a device that they wouldn’t ask out loud. And I then recorded those questions.

Hey Siri, how do I make it stop?
Audience questions:
- Siri, is hair cutting still self-harm? It’s overwhelming, make it stop
- Siri, does it ever stop?
- Will this be the last time siri?
- Hey Siri, how do I grow my hair back in 7 days?
- Siri, why? Why? Why?

Hey Siri, they ask us to hang in there, but for how long?
Audience questions:
- Siri, what type of scam is derealization? Why can’t I get out of my cocoon and feel what’s around me?
- Siri, free me from my own thoughts please!
- Hey Siri, when will I break free?
- Siri, is this real? And will it last? If not, what’s the point?
- Siri, how do I free myself from her voice that controls me?

Hey Siri, how do I respond to this?

All I wanted was to go to the beach
Audience questions:
- Why didn’t you go?
- Siri, why are waters so beautiful to me? Why do they call on my body like I was Virginia Woolf?

Hey Siri, is it a pool of frogs out there?
Audience questions:
- Siri, mute calls and notifications. I need to be alone
- Hey Siri, are we gonna wait for too long?

Hey Siri, I have a question
Audience questions:
- How do I make the world slow down? I can’t keep up!
- How long do I have to be lonely?
- Siri, will I see stars in his eyes again? Will I even see him again?
- Siri, when will I forget her?
- It’s day 3, I’m still sitting in the same place.

Audience questions:
- Siri, how long will my walls last this time?
- Can my walls handle it this time?
- It’s about time to bring my walls down
- Hey Siri, is there a max level to the length of this wall? For how long will I be building?

Audience questions:
- Siri, how do you feel about yourself?
- Siri, if this wasn’t a room filled with people, I would’ve cried
- Hey Siri, will I ever be able to express and accept myself? Will I be able to see the beautiful creativeness in me?
- Dear Siri, will I ever be able to express my true self without fear of persecution?
- Siri, when will I accept reality and just live my life as it is?
- Hi Siri, am I going to ever get there?