The collection “Questions to Siri” navigates how we deal with our perception of this tool asking what we fear to ask ourselves and others. 

The project was an experience in the solo exhibition “Middle Voids” in August 2022, where the 10 artworks were displayed and provided within a room for the audience to share their questions to the machine. My thoughts were of what people would ask to a device that they wouldn’t ask out loud. And I then recorded those questions. 

Hey Siri, how do I make it stop? 

Audience questions:

Hey Siri, they ask us to hang in there, but for how long?

Audience questions:

Hey Siri, how do I respond to this?

All I wanted was to go to the beach

Audience questions:

Hey Siri, is it a pool of frogs out there?

Audience questions:

Hey Siri, I have a question

Audience questions:

Audience questions:

Audience questions: